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Tips, Trends, & News

A Guide for Adopoting Your Stepchild…

A Guide for Adopoting Your Stepchild…

Are you a stepparent? Do you want to legally adopt your stepchild and solidify your bond? Stepchild adoption is a significant decision that offers numerous benefits for both you and your family. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the process of stepchild...

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How to Choose the Right Estate Planning Attorney…

How to Choose the Right Estate Planning Attorney…

Estate planning is a crucial aspect of financial planning that ensures your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death. While it may not be a topic that people eagerly discuss, it is essential to have a well-thought-out estate plan in place to...

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Who Is At Fault When In An Auto Accident In Kentucky?…

Who Is At Fault When In An Auto Accident In Kentucky?…

Unfortunately, auto accidents happen even to the most careful drivers on the road. According to the Kentucky DOT there were over 158,000 accidents in the last year in this state alone. These accidents often result in property damage and bodily injuries. Determining...

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A Comprehensive Guide to Wrongful Death Claims…

A Comprehensive Guide to Wrongful Death Claims…

Losing a loved one due to someone else's negligence or misconduct is a devastating experience. In such cases, family members often seek justice and accountability through legal means. This is where wrongful death claims come into play. In this comprehensive guide, we...

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Symptoms and Treatment for a Whiplash Injury…

Symptoms and Treatment for a Whiplash Injury…

One of the most common types of injuries that people sustain in a car crash is Whiplash Associated Disorder (WAD). When something causes a rapid and forceful back and forth movement of the neck, whiplash can occur. This type of injury can occur, for example, during...

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The Steps For Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Kentucky…

The Steps For Filing A Wrongful Death Lawsuit In Kentucky…

Losing someone you love is hard enough but losing them as a result of the negligent, careless, or intentional actions of another person is even harder. You can’t help but constantly think that their death could have been prevented. If you have lost someone under these...

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Should I Equally Divide My Business Among My Children?…

Should I Equally Divide My Business Among My Children?…

As parents, we strive to make sure our children feel they are treated fairly. So, when passing the torch of the family business down, we often feel it should be divided equally. However, some experts believe you could be setting your kids up for failure by doing so....

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Spousal Support: Understanding Alimony in Divorce…

Spousal Support: Understanding Alimony in Divorce…

When a married couple decides to end their marriage, there are various legal and financial aspects that need to be addressed. One significant aspect is spousal support, also known as alimony, which is designed to provide financial assistance to one spouse after...

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How To Know When You Need A Car Accident Attorney…

How To Know When You Need A Car Accident Attorney…

Distracted drivers, unsafe roadways, and defective vehicle parts are all common causes of car crashes. Every year thousands of Kentuckians are seriously injured in car accidents. Most people depend on their insurance company to take care of the situation following an...

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What Can I Do If I’m Injured By A Dog Bite?…

What Can I Do If I’m Injured By A Dog Bite?…

Dog bites can be devastating if not properly cared for. Whether a child or an adult, there may be physical damage, and, in some cases, they may suffer from a long-term psychological problem that will require professional help. Things To Do Immediately If You're...

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5 Ways To Reduce Overuse Of Jails In Your Community…

5 Ways To Reduce Overuse Of Jails In Your Community…

Everyone knows jails are a huge cost in a community and cost the taxpayers money that could be used elsewhere in the community. Although they are needed, they have been overcrowded for several years, and the high-density populations within jails increase the risk of...

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How To Spot Nursing Home Negligence Or Abuse…

How To Spot Nursing Home Negligence Or Abuse…

No family member wants to make the decision to put their parents or grandparents into a skilled nursing home but there are reasons beyond their control that make it necessary. There is nothing “bad” or “wrong” with placing a loved one in a nursing home if it is in...

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