(859) 746-0500

There is really nothing more loving and intimate than having a little person growing inside you. Most mothers feel that carrying their babies with them is when their unwavering love and protection for their children started to blossom. Having a baby is among the most exciting, painful, and overall exhausting ordeal a woman and her family can go through. Fear of childbirth is universal. Because of the stories of bad experiences passed down for years, many women fear childbirth. As a result, many women do not believe in the power of their own bodies and often hand over control of their bodies to health-care professionals, resulting in unhappy childbirth experiences because of unnecessary intervention during labor and birth. Often hospitals move forward as if everything is normal even when the writings on the wall that something is going wrong. Here is a list of some of the things that may happen when doctors and medical staff are negligent. There could be a reason to contact an injury attorney.

Inappropriate Labor Induction Or Failure To Induce Labor When Necessary

Expecting mothers are sometimes advised by a medical professional to artificially induce uterine contractions through a procedure known as labor induction, which causes the woman to go into labor quickly after the procedure and have their baby thereafter. The procedure can be done hormonally or by breaking the water and in certain circumstances it is a necessary and important practice. Such as when a woman has gone longer than two weeks past her due date or there are signs that continuing the pregnancy might pose problems to the mother or child’s health. Negligence can happen through unnecessary induction, or by failing to induce when the need is there. Mishandling a labor induction can cause infection, uterine rupture, or future infertility.

Uterine Infections During Pregnancy

Intraamniotic infection, also referred to as chorioamnionitis is a condition that can affect pregnant women. In this condition, bacteria infect the membranes that surround the fetus and the amniotic fluid in which the fetus floats. This can lead to infections in both the mother and fetus. Signs that a woman may have a uterine infection include fever and early labor. The bacterial infection can be treated with intravenous antibiotics. If this is not detected by a physician, both mother and child are at risk for health problems up to and including death.

Placenta Issues

The placenta is a temporary organ that develops in the uterus during pregnancy. It provides the nutrients and oxygen to the baby for development and growth. Because a placenta is created with each pregnancy, it is possible for each pregnancy to have a different outcome. Failure to identify problems with the placenta can be very important during pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Placenta previa occurs when the placenta blocks or partially blocks the cervix, which is the opening to the uterus. This is an issue because a baby passes through the cervix and the birth canal during a vaginal delivery. Risks of hemorrhaging and a preterm birth are higher with placenta previa. A highly dangerous condition for both mom and baby, placenta abruption occurs when the placenta separates prematurely from the uterine wall. This may cut off the baby’s supply of oxygen and nutrients, restricting its growth, or prompt a premature or stillbirth delivery. Preeclampsia, a pregnancy complication that leads to high blood pressure and possible kidney damage, is another placental disorder. Failure to identify any of the placenta problems would be negligence.

Failure To Consider A C-Section

A Caesarean Section is a fairly common surgery used in the delivery of a baby. A C-Section is generally used when a vaginal birth is not possible or in the best interest of the mother or child. Of course, all surgeries carry some degree of risk, so a doctor and his or her staff should carefully consider all of the extenuating circumstances when making a decision to perform a C-Section. However, at times an unnecessary delay or a reluctance to perform a C-Section can have severe consequences for the health of the baby and the mother. Vaginal or rectal tearing or uterine rupture is possible if a C-section is needed and not done by the physician.

Michael A. O’Hara PLLC Can Represent You For Personal Injury Negotiation and Litigation

Injuries happen unexpectedly, and they can lead to major setbacks for victims and their families. Injury victims and their loved ones not only have to deal with the injury itself but also with a significant financial burden that these situations cause. I have an experienced team with the resources necessary to fully investigate your claim and recover the compensation you deserve.
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Labor and delivery should not be dangerous. If for any reason, you feel pain or have a complication because of mismanagement of your labor and delivery, a medical malpractice lawyer can help you investigate the possibility of medical negligence.

Contact (859-746-0500) Michael O’Hara, PLLC for a Consultation

About Michael A. O’Hara, PLLC

When you have to deal with the justice system – whether related to a civil or criminal matter – you need more than the truth on your side. You need a skilled attorney who can employ sound legal strategies to produce the results you are hoping for. I am attorney Michael A. O’Hara, and I am licensed to practice in Kentucky and Ohio at the state level, as well as in Federal District Court and the Federal Court of Claims. I have been representing clients in the Northern Kentucky/Greater Cincinnati area since 1994.